Introducing CareBrand

From unknown to unforgettable

CareBrand is our vision of what brand should be. These are the brands that make us feel something. And by doing so, give us a reason to buy into them, not just from them.

Dare to care

CareBrands sell connections, not commodities.

They believe in purpose-driven profits.

They embrace the power of advocacy.

They are brands you can buy into, not just from.

They tell their story and live it, every day.

They stand for the world they are trying to build.

They make us feel something.

They Make Us Care.

Powered by connection

We live in a world where brands come and go. Some are just here to sell, while others are here to make a difference. We believe that brands have the power to change the world, to be a force for good. And those are the ones that stick around.

We envision a future where brands are more than just a product or a service. They’re a community, a movement, a CareBrand. They care about the world and the people in it.

By showing genuine care, understanding customer needs and delivering authentic experiences, CareBrands build trust, loyalty and advocacy. They create emotional connections with customers, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Word of mouth generates over 2x the sales of paid advertising

Your customers are the reason you exist as a business and they can also be your most effective marketing tool.

They want brands that care about them because when brands care about their customers they make their customers care about them. And that care will translate directly into brand advocacy.

Advocates are worth up to 10x the value of their first purchase

Existing customers are often a brand's most underutilised asset in their arsenal. They have experienced the brand first-hand and have the potential to spread its stories in an authentic way.

CareBrands use the power of customer advocacy, giving their customers a brand experience they will cherish and a story to tell. They put their customers' needs at the centre of everything they do, addressing their emotional, ethical, and social needs, creating a lasting relationship.

Ready to become a CareBrand?

As a brand, you may be doing all the right things but unless you communicate them no one will know. And if no one knows, no one cares and that’s the whole point of a CareBrand. It’s about communicating what you are doing to give people a reason to care.

Download our guide on CareBrand to learn what it takes to become one.

CareBrand Report