Care Mapping; The Simple “How-to”

Care Mapping; The Simple “How-to”

Let us introduce you to Care Mapping and how to do it. 

This is a way of seeing all the things that you, your customers and the market care about.

Care Mapping compares what your brand, customers, and market all care about. Allowing you to align with them and give them a reason to buy into your brand.

Starting with your market, look at your competitors through the lens of branding. How they are showing up to your customers? What are they doing well? 

Or what are they missing? That’s your opportunity. 

Time to look inward and take a hard look at your brand. Ask things like: What do you really care about? Why does your business exist? And how will the world be better now your brand exists?

Now it’s time to talk to your customers. What do they care about? Remember people buy with emotion and justify with fact. What will your customers be thinking and feeling when they look to purchase from you? 

Once you have gathered those insights and found the overlap, you should have a greater understanding of how to show up for your customers and create a more meaningful connection with them. 

Use the overlaps that you discover as a way to start new conversations with your audience. By starting with the areas of overlap you can be sure that your messaging will resonate with your audience in a meaningful way.

To find out more about how investing in branding can take your business to the next level, click here.

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